Services - Network Support

– Network Connectivity – Center to Center (C2C) communication and connectivity
– Network Configuration – Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP), Open Shortest Path First Protocol (OSPF), Single-Spanning Tree Protocol (S-STP), Bootstrap Router (BSR), PIM Sparse Mode (SM), BGP IPv4, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), Network Latency issues, Broadcast Domains, and UDP and TCP Multicast
– Network Management – Design and configuration of All Layers in the Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model).
– Network Security – LGI has in-depth knowledge of various Firewall appliances as used in many ITS/Operations and Admin network environments. Moreover, LGI is knowledgeable in industry standard policy and procedures for all aspects of device security. LGI collaborates with local universities such as the USF Cybersecurity Department to provide clients with the latest in Transportation Cybersecurity.
– Network Troubleshooting and Inspection – troubleshoot and correct network issues from the Traffic Management Center (TMC) head end and field device locations. Previous experience with troubleshooting head end equipment such as Brocade or Cisco switches, video decoders, multiplexers, etc. as well as common ITS devices such as Dynamic Message Signs (DMS), Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras, Microwave Vehicle Detectors (MVDS), Roadside Weather Information Systems (RWIS), BlueTOAD-BlueARGUS software and Bluetooth travel time field devices. LGI has vast experience with Jupiter controllers and decoders for Video Wall (VW). Experience with Virtual environments and storage area networks.
– New/Emerging Technology – LGI recommends and supports leading edge technologies, new devices, and advanced software of all kinds to support and improve efficiency in client operations.